Our team at Corrigan Insurance has chosen to support Insight Memory Care Center as our Community Cause this quarter. This organization specializes in providing support for those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory impairments.
Did you know that 5.8 million Americans were affected by Alzheimer’s in 2020? Alzheimer’s patients frequently endure frustrating lives because of their core symptoms of disorientation and memory loss, and the fear that comes from knowing they’re mentally slipping.
Insight Memory Care Center (IMCC) offers a full range of care, support, and information to persons affected by Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive impairments. This includes Early Stage Programs such as workshops and in-home assistance, as well as an Adult Day Health Center.
Here is where you come in: Every time you recommend a friend to us for an insurance quotation, we’ll make a $10 donation on your behalf to IMCC! And, yes, that means for EVERY single friend or family member that you send our way. How many friends do YOU have?!